Challenges Deserve Solutions: Rethinking the Financial Aid Services Model

By: Robert Heil

Administering financial aid has never been more difficult, and if you’ve been in the industry for as long as we have, it might even seem like it’s become harder in recent years.

You know the challenges: understaffed offices, ever-changing regulations, and high expectations from students and parents. Add to those timeless difficulties worrisome enrollment forecasts, sky-high student and parent expectations, and a raft of other societal factors impacting the higher ed industry. You’ve got arguably the most challenging financial aid environment there has ever been.

You also know what we, as leaders in financial aid solutions, also know: that the complications that arise from financial aid accessibility and timeliness all affect a student’s experience at an institution. If it’s poor, students may very well go elsewhere.

To help guide the way through this trying landscape, we’re developing an in-depth, data-driven e-book that will explore these multifaceted challenges—and the innovative processes and technologies that are solving them.

We’re excited to share the release of a new e-book with you in the coming weeks and to offer a preview of it here.

What FAS Found in Our Research.

To guide our e-book, we surveyed senior leaders to gauge their biggest issues in administering financial aid. Four major challenges and themes emerged from the survey.  

  • Compliance
  • Meeting Student Expectations
  • Tech Optimization
  • Staffing Pressures

Having been in the industry for 32 years, these issues aren’t necessarily new to us. But what stood out to us was that, despite their best efforts, campus leaders said the severity of these challenges is quickly magnifying over the last two to three years. 

That’s troubling. It’s one thing to know a consistent set of challenges exists; it’s quite another to feel like these problems haven’t been—or can’t be—solved, or at least improved.

Meanwhile, college enrollment is dropping, headed for a widely foretold ‘enrollment cliff’ due to a wide array of economic factors that will take a broad set of collective actions to address. 

So, we set out to survey the landscape of financial aid in the U.S. And while what we heard were reactions that expressed frustration and concern, we also saw hope that campus leaders are looking for new and better operating models. 

What’s Next?

Our team believes that challenges deserve solutions. We know how many challenges affect financial aid departments at higher education institutions. The good news? These challenges have solutions; new solutions, real solutions, and game-changing solutions. They come from empowering your existing team and optimizing your practices, and they create a better student experience—leading to satisfied students and better student outcomes.

Throughout the survey, campus leaders identified several recurring themes that form the framework for a better model for financial aid operations.  We look forward to sharing those findings in our upcoming eBook this spring. 

For a more detailed account of what FAS can do for your institution, reach out here to start a conversation, and watch out for our eBook for more information.

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