Staff Training & Coaching

Lack of Career Development and Advancement is the #1 Reason Employees Leave

Training and coaching the leaders of tomorrow is crucial.  FAS consultants can serve as trainers and coaches to help accelerate the learning curve for new team members or for those changing jobs within the office.

Our clients tell us FAS Training and Coaching allowed them to create a better economic and strategic operating model while enhancing the student experience and enjoying better peace of mind that their aid is administered in full compliance.


Colleges and universities report not having enough qualified applicants to fill staffing shortages

Reasons & Outcomes

  • Retaining more students starts with retaining your staff. A lack of training and professional development is the #1 reason employees leave.

  • Training your leaders of tomorrow is just as important as finding the right leaders today.

  • Mitigate your risk. A lack of training and coaching is often the root cause of compliance errors and audit findings.

  • Been promoted? New to your role?  Need to sharpen your training on certain topics?  FAS consultants often serve as coaches.

  • With conference, training, and travel budgets cut at most campuses, you can leverage FAS consultants as coaches which is a more cost effective and impactful alternative.

  • Accelerate the learning curve for new team members.

  • Think beyond the financial aid office. What do VP’s for Enrollment need to know? Presidents?  CFO’s?  Bursar’s?

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